Want to learn Danish with other international students?

At AOF Job & Dansk you can join a course where you get an introduction to Danish language and culture along with your fellow students. You will learn basic language skills directly applicable to your studies and your everyday life.

Are you interested in online tuition? You can read more about online tuition here.

Why is it a good idea to be able to speak and communicate in Danish?

It is a benefit to be able to speak and communicate in Danish when you are staying in Denmark. In the effective learning enviroment the danishlessons are combined with knowledge about Danish culture and society. This is an advantage as it helps to strengthen your opportunities in Denmark, it can be in connection with your studies, work and/or leisure activities  

You can read more about what our Danish educations includes right here.


The Danish classes are free of charge - you only have to pay a deposit! Interested?

When you get your CPR-number you can send an e-mail to your local jobcentre and ask to be referred to AOF Job & dansk. If you live in Odense, then send an email to fyn@aofjobogdansk.dk and ask to be referred to AOF Job & Dansk. Remember to state your CPR-number in your e-mail.

As soon as we recieve the referral, we will contact you via e-boks and you will be asked to pay a deposit of 2000,- DKK*

Once you have payed the deposit, you will be called in for an interview at AOF Job & Dansk.

*The deposit is refunded if you pass your module test within a certain time frame.